Some artists invite you to download their music for free. If the artist approves, it is acceptable to download their music without paying. Many new artists appreciate the notoriety. This will cause people to go to their concerts which is another way of making a profit. A heated debate which continues to rage on is based in the rights of music. People argue that music should be free to use in movies, videos, etc. after a certain period of time. Others debate that the rights should pass on throughout the family. However, I believe that when artist makes music they should own the rights until their family decides to sell them. The artist should own the rights until they pass away. After they pass away, the family of the deceased musician should own the remaining rights. The rights should stay in the family until the family decides to sell the rights. Therefor, I believe that the musician along with the family of the musician should collect royalties until the rights are sold.
why do you think that illegally downloading music from youtube is ok but burning a CD is not? The artist has already sold the CD to a distributor whereas when you take it from Youtube they have made no money at all
I agree with your thoughts on keeping song rights within the family of the artist if he/she has died.
You say "If I thoroughly enjoy an artists work enough I will buy their CD but refuse to burn a CD I have bought for a friend. I think of that as taking money right out of the musicians pocket which I do not approve of." but you also said that you download music from youtube. do you not consider that "taking money out of their pockets" as well?
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