Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Would We Be Without Music?


Music has inherent value whether it is a written song, or a studio recording of one.  Music is a way of expressing ideas and opinions through an artistic and creative viewpoint.  The lyrics send important messages to the consumer and can often be used to calm someone.  The many genres of music send different messages.  For example, pop music expresses popular ideas on how people should act and what is popular to do whether it is how one should dress, spend their free time, or uphold themselves.  Pop music is usually very uplifting and makes people happy.  Usually when a beat is catchy, the consumers miss out on the messages that the lyrics send just pay attention to the beats.  Other genres of music such as metal, stress nonconformity and wildness to the consumers.  The way an artist records the song also gives it style and uniqueness that contributes to its inherent value.  They can add their own twist on the lyrics or change the beat around to appeal to many different people.

Because music has such a great inherent value, the artist who composed and or performed the song should be credited with its greatness through money.  Music is offered to us through a variety of ways on the Internet but consumers should be thankful that they have such a gift.  Taking music off of the Internet without paying for it is like stealing people’s ideas and not giving credit to the artist.  Even though music is a way of freely expressing ideas, it doesn’t mean it can just be taken.  Paying the artist helps to support them in creating more music and generating great ideas to the world.  Some individuals think that taking music from the Internet or burning it from a CD is okay and legal, but in reality, that is stealing.  Not paying money for the song is considered theft yet many people are not educated about this issue.  I will admit that I have downloaded music in the past through YouTube and burnt CDs, but after becoming educated on the right and wrong ways of downloading, I will never do it again. It is unfair to the artist and team of people who created the song.   The world needs to stop downloading music illegally and pay for the brilliance of others.  


Unknown said...

Do you prefer catchy songs with lyrics that escape meaning or meaningful lyrics that are supported by the rest of the band?

Zack michaels said...

I think that piracy is so large now that it is unstoppable. I think that the music industry needs to understand that and start to adapt to the situation that they are in.